Apr 7, 2021

Spring Golf Awaits

You have to like this time of the year if you’re a golfer. Inundated with a plethora of email blasts with the latest and “greatest” golf clubs sure to improve your game. Plus there’s the various stay and play golf packages that you signed up for at a golf show. From Williamsburg, Virginia to Cobble Beach, Ontario. Everyone golf related is fighting for your golf dollar. With COVID 19 still not under control most golfers will be staying close to home although most normal years I’ve got various trips out of province and Country this won’t happen due to the epidemic again this season.

How do we disperse our golf dollars over the year. With so many taking up the game since the epidemic this might require a bit more thought than previous years. 

While most this week will be looking towards the Masters and the pristine fairways of Augusta National. Where many golfers love betting on their favourite golfer or looking for the perfect In-play betting tips. The Masters just seems like the start of Spring especially for the avid golfer but it will also be golfers scoping out there golf options.

For many golfers they’ll be trying to get that sacred tee time as the better weather arrives in Canada and more golf courses open up. Please note you might have to be a bit flexible as it’s going to be busy out there folks.

Trying out a few courses and maybe looking at getting a golf membership might be an option some golfers might be looking into. I know a few families looking at family memberships as a great way to get outside, have fun playing golf and socially distancing and being safe at the same time.

Wherever your golf dollar goes it’s only going to benefit golf long term and that’s great in my book. 

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