Apr 3, 2023

Finding That Inspiration - My Golf Writing Journey

It's amazing how time can just get away from you. My posts on this golf blog have been few and far between over the last few years. Health issues both physical and mental definitely have played a part as well as family loss. But that can't explain everything thing. The fracturing of professional golf with the offshoot of LIV Golf definitely left me feeling empty and angry. I've even got to where my theme that I use for this blog doesn't work anymore (Oh! the neglect). 

I vow to find what use to inspire me and to return here and write about my golf shenanigans. Whether it's local golf course reviews or those ones that take place a little further from home. Golf book reviews or golf club reviews there's so much I use to enjoy writing about. 

This year also marks me returning to the Rideau View Golf Course for a 10th season as part of their Turf Team. Changing holes and documenting my mornings both here and on Instagram. My son Gus will also be back for a 2nd season at Rideau View.

Here's to Spring which is hopefully around the corner and we can all get out there and enjoy our local golf course and get inspired. For right now it's Masters Week. Enjoy.

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