Initially when I first heard about these belts I thought, way to expensive no wonder I only see pros wearing them but by reducing the price to a more reasonable amount you may see these more at your local course. Most golf belts I own retail for under $75 CDN. For a custom one I might shell out a little more. Nice going 59 Belts!
Here's the scoop on the 5 options you have with the 59 Player Series of belts. Starting at a lower price of
$99.59/package (includes buckle and belt).
Option 1 U.S. Patriot / Limited edition of 99 with U.S. Open engraving
Option 2 Phenom Player
Option 3 Custom Player / Currently only available to customers who already own one of our custom stainless buckles. Custom Player designs also available when ordered in quantities of 8 or more. Email: for a price quote in our new 59 Player style
Option 4 Custom Personal Initials / Classic mill (available only in our 59 Player font)
Option 5 Custom Personal Initials / Reverse mill (available only in our 59 Player font)
So they've done a custom buckle for Mike Weir. I wonder if they'd consider doing a buckle with some Canadian attitude. I know a few styles off hand that would look great and would definitely appeal to Canadians.
Firing off a email to 59 Belts now!
Mike Weir's Custom Made 59 Belt

I'm not sure why 59 belts gets so much press. They're not the only ones in the market making nice belt buckles anymore. Have you seen yet? I like their stuff so much better, and I can get whatever I want on the buckle without any restrictions.
I like stainless because they are easy to buy and won't break their budget so easily. Apart from the aesthetics and the cost, another great benefit that you get when buying this type of belt is its durability. Stainless is primarily known to be reliable and rust proof.
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