Mar 2, 2011

I Love My Poker Chip Ball Markers

Who doesn't like a good ball marker especially one that has a  cool design on it. SeeMore sent me one when they sent me a Si4 putter recently. I picked up a few from THP who had some real nice ones. Another Golf Forum had some great markers as well. After seeing what was out there I decided to take the plunge myself.

With some help Derek from, he gave me the number where he purchased his so I gave Bunnie at Royal Gaming Products a call and so the process began. She was very helpful with all my questions and boy did I have lots. I had a design in mind and we went back and forth. The design you see below is what we came up with. LMK what you think of these custom ceramic poker chips. I'm real happy with them. Thanks Bunnie and Royal Gaming Products.

If you plan on attending the 2011 Ottawa-Gatineau GOLFEXPO I'll be there so just come up and ask me for one. I'll also be giving some away some with various contests through the year. LMK what you think! - Golf is my bag, man!

1 comment:

Derek said...

The chips look great! Glad I could help you out.