Apr 2, 2013

2013 Masters Golf Pool

Even though we're still not golfing in the Ottawa area the Masters is just around the corner. So for those golf fanatics looking to see how they might stack up in a Golf Pool look no further than the golf pools Séamus Maher runs. The Masters happens April 11th - 14th so get in on the action. I've been joining for years lots of fun, if you have any questions just contact me for questions.

These are the following Masters Golf Pools:

- Craig's Big 5 pool
- Grand Slam pool
- Masters Elimination Pool.

1) Craig's Big 5 Pool
You select a team of 12 golfers to compete at the 4 Majors and the Players Championship (5th Major). Total Player Earnings of contestant's selection's over the 5 events will determine winners. There are payouts for each event in addition to an overall ending payout. The entry fee for this pool is $20 and payable before start of play.

All the pool details are at:

2) Grand Slam Pool
You select players in each event however and you only can use the same player in 2 of the 4 events. Total Player Earnings of contestant's selection's over the 4 Majors will determine winners. There are payouts for each event and an overall Grand Slam ending payout. The entry fee for this pool is $40 payable in 2 installments of $20 due on April 10th & June 1st.

All the pool details are at:

3) Masters Elimination Pool
The top 60 ranked players from the tournament field will be selected and divided into 4 performance groups of 15 based on World Tour Rankings. You select 1 payer from each performance group. The Contest is stroke play, meaning the aggregate score for the contestant's four golfers will determine their position relative to the other contestants. If any of the golfers selected misses the cut, the contestant will be eliminated from the contest. The entry fee for this pool is $20 and payable before start of play.

All the pool details are at:

To participate in any or all of these pools, sign up now at:


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