Allenby said friends here witnessed Kim getting back to the team hotel, in Allenby's words, "sideways" at 4 in the morning, less than five hours before his scheduled tee time against Allenby at Harding Park."Some guys (from the U.S.) who didn't play well played very well today," Allenby said after the U.S. downed the International team, 19 1/2 - 14 1/2, to win its third consecutive Presidents Cup. Kim, going out in the fourth match of the day, drummed Allenby, 5 and 3, running his record in the matches to 3-1."
Maybe we should all take the theory of Anthony Kim," Allenby said. "Get home at 4 o'clock (in the morning) and then go shoot 6 under."Asked if his comments were on the record, Allenby said, "I don't care. Ask his playing partners. Ask his team. He is the loosest cannon in that team."
Of course Kim is denying it. But who really cares at this point Kim is 24, he's an American young gun and the Americans won remember. So maybe it's a ploy to actually get some exposure for the PGA Tour and the Presidents Cup. The Presidents Cup was how do you say boring with about as much excitement as listening to Asbestos legislation debates. Here's to Kim's reaction.
"He may need to go practise a little bit more."
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