Nov 22, 2010

Sligo 2011 Spring Catalogue - Exclusive!

With the cold weather moving into most areas of Canada and most of us die hard golfers packing away our sticks. We turn to the Internet to peruse the latest clubs and apparel for the Spring. Big thanks to Allan from Sligo Wear for posting the 2011 Spring Catalogue. For those that follow this blog you'll know I'm a big fan of Sligo Wear apparel. I did a review of their apparel this past Spring and the quality, style and colors of their clothes really stood out for me. Now we get to make our wish lists for the Spring take a look a the catalogue. Here's what stands out for me:

  • Again a plethora of colors my favorite so far Catalina!
  • Love the Scriver and Gator shirts in new colors Muskoka, and Haze. The Gator in White Vegas is real cool as well.
  • New shirts designs - Taylor and Scotty are real nice!
  • Tour Caps rock with 3 colors available.
  • Love the new colors for the track jackets (Digitile, Platinum, Catalina)
  • Have a look at the 2011 catalog it's extensive and something for everyone.


Anonymous said...

Big fan? Weren't you selling your Sligo stuff on WRX? I think I bought some of it.

Ottawa Golf Blog said...

Huge fan but I had to thin the heard. From running this blog I've become a bit of a golf clothes hog. The one I sold was a great shirt it just didn't make the cut. Kids gotta eat. What's your favorite from the 2011 line?

gie said...

Thanks for sharing the Sligo catalogue! really neat line this year. trying to find something for my father who's a golf nut too! :)