Sep 4, 2011

Stylish Fabrics and Designs from Golf Cult

Golf Cult once again pushes the boundaries for golf apparel with some new styles and designs this season. They’re always ones for some unique ideas and this year doesn’t disappoint with the addition of a cool Crack 80 patch on two of their shirts. The patch thing can make some apparel look a bit awkward but Golf Cult pulls it off nicely. First though I have to Crack 90.

Golf Cult has also incorporated their Coat of Arms on a few shirts. The distressed look of the coat of arms is a great look especially on the back of a Golf Cult shirt . If your Latin is a little rusty under the coat of arms it reads “Alterum ictum facium” which means “Go take a mulligan”. We’ve all been there right!

Check out the video below of just some of what Golf Cult is offering this year. Remember Golf Cult uses a variety of fabrics, some great for the warmth of Summer like the Performance Dry Polos to their Cotton Polos ideal for our upcoming Fall golf season. Also stay tuned for some upcoming news, reviews and deals from Golf Cult.

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Golf Franchise said...

Those designs look awesome!!! I'm gonna have to pick some up for my husband & son!!!!

baju batik said...

Love this
I enjoy it so much
Have a nice day =)