Jan 28, 2008

Time For That Dream Holiday

So if your were to take a little vacation where would you go and it could be anywhere in the world. Now let's narrow it down a bit a more and let's say it's your birthday and you want to get away for a little long weekend. Well I know my birthday is coming up and at HotelsByCity.net they gave me some thinking to do, they have a great list of golf destinations I might want to look into. There list is centered around the top 10 golf courses and the cities they are in. A great list of places, from places in Canada to California, it is a great place to start. For all of the cities they list, they give a great list of cheap hotels in the area that can save you money to do other things. Each city has a helpful guide to make decision making easy and you can concentrate on more important things like what other activities you can do in the area. They lay all the possibilities out for you you just have to make a few decisions and away you go, the hard part is deciding the destination. HotelsByCity can really start you off in the right direction if one day you finally get to take that vacation anywhere in the world.

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